Harry Keel
Managing director and site manager, environmental scientist ETH, management expert SVF, CAS in management of public administration and NPO
Phone. +41 81 723 59 20
In the UNESCO World Heritage Site Tectonic Arena Sardona political municipalities are represented which share the area of the World Heritage perimeter:
In an intermunicipal agreement, these communities have committed themselves to the joint conservation and cultivation of the Sardona World Heritage. The World Heritage Site is to remain accessible and open for appropriate use. The desired uses and a development plan have been defined.
Managementplan of the World Heritage Sardona
Each World Heritage community is represented by a delegate at the annual delegate assembly. The executive committee of the IG is comprised of the following members:
Managing director and site manager, environmental scientist ETH, management expert SVF, CAS in management of public administration and NPO
Phone. +41 81 723 59 20
Project leader education
MSc Geography
Phone. +41 81 725 56 07
Project manager, environmental engineer ZHAW
Phone. +41 81 725 56 07
Project leader, MSc Geologist
Phone. +41 81 723 59 20
Accounting and administration clerk, GeoGuide Coordinator
Phone. +41 81 725 56 08
The association works with its members to communicate the diverse natural, landscape and cultural values in the Sardona World Heritage Region and to strengthen sustainable adventure and educational tourism.
It ensures a stronger anchoring of the Sardona World Heritage Site and its values in the population. To this end, it develops and supports offers and activities in and around the World Heritage Site for its members and the public.
The IG Tektonikarena Sardona cooperates with many different interest groups from administration, tourism, education, research, environment and politics. The most important partners are:
The Swiss UNESCO Commission coordinates all the actors involved on a national level, communicates the World Heritage Sites as a whole and raises public awareness of World Heritage values.
Schweizerische UNESCO-Kommmission
The Association World Heritage Experience Switzerland (WHES) is the network for all World Heritage Sites in Switzerland.
World Heritage Experience Switzerland
The World Heritage Sites of Switzerland bear witness to the richness and diversity of our country.
World Heritage Sites of Switzerland
The World Heritage List shows the worldwide heritage in nature and culture of humanity.
World Heritage List
The Association Parks in Grisons is centred around the exchange of experiences and taking advantages of synergies between all parks in Grisons, including the World Heritage. Shared presences are coordinated and the interests of all members represented on a cantonal level.
Association Parks in Grisons (german)
The aim of the Rhine Gorge Association is to develop and implement a strategy for the Rhine Gorge/Ruinaulta Nature Monument together with the various interest groups. It makes it possible to use and “experience” the gorge and promotes its conservation. The Rhine Gorge Association operates a ranger service to which the Tectonic Arena Sardona has also joined.
Rhine Gorge Association