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50 Million Years Into the Past
Once mud, now rock.

Start of the Time Travel
The flysch rocks in the rock faces of the Tschingelhörner. These can be found directly beneath the Glarus Thrust.

Destination of the Time Travel
The seabed of the Flysch Sea, which was up to several hundred meters deep. This is the world where flysch rocks formed 50 million years ago. Today, this sea no longer exists.

Europe 50 Million Years Ago
The Flysch Sea was located in the northwestern foreland of the rising Alps. It was gradually filled with fine-grained erosion material carried from the Alps (indicated by gray arrows).

Landscape and Geography
A seemingly endless underwater landscape. Eerily dark, eerily quiet. Occasionally, this silence was disturbed by submarine mudflows, which transported sand from the coastal regions to the deeper seabed.

Expedition and Adventure
We are stationed for a month aboard a research vessel equipped for marine exploration. Participants in this time travel must be able to withstand rough seas!

If the weather allows, we descend to the bottom of the Flysch Sea in a specially equipped submarine. During these dives, we study the spread and deposition of mudflows. We also search for extraordinary life forms inhabiting the muddy seabed.

Would You Like a Souvenir From This Time Travel?
Retrieve a piece of flysch rock, formed from seabed mud deposits, from the rubble fields at the lower Segnesboden.