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9,500 Years Into the Past
Experience the Flims Rockslide live.

Start of the Time Travel
The Cassonsgrat at the northwestern edge of the mountain called Flimserstein.

Destination of the Time Travel
The Cassonsgrat approximately 9,500 years ago. We arrive a few days before the event. Around seven cubic kilometers of rock break away from the western and southern sides of the Flimserstein (marked in red on the graphic) and collapse into the Valley.

At that time, the Flimserstein was significantly larger than today. It was bordered by two side valleys: the Segnestal to the west and the Val Turnigla to the east.

The Situation Today

Left Image: The rockslide deposits cover over 70 square kilometers (red: part of this area). The Flims Rockslide is the largest landslide in the Alps—and one of the largest worldwide. Over the past 140 years, it has been the subject of more than 80 research studies.

Right Image: The Rhine River has carved hundreds of meters into the rockslide deposits in some places and has transported around 1.5 cubic kilometers of material downstream since the event.

Expedition and Adventure

We set up a research station in the Cassonsgrat area.

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