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280 million years into the past. Back to the fiery beginnings of the Verrucano rocks.

Start of the Time Travel
The Verrucano rocks in the area of the Tschingelhörner. The rocks are visible above the Glarus thrust (aka “magic line”).

Destination of the Time Travel
An extremely hot, dry desert region in the equatorial zone. The world where the Verrucano rocks formed 280 million years ago.

This is what the world looked like 280 million years ago. The continents are united into a supercontinent called “Pangaea.” The crosshair marks the destination of our time travel. In the target area, the same scorching heat reigns as today in Death Valley, USA.

Landscape and Geography
The very dry area is surrounded by mountains. Occasionally, heavy rainfall occurs, and powerful mudflows pour into the flat lowlands. Lakes and puddles form, where mud is deposited.

Within the mountain range, there are volcanoes. Some, like Kilauea on Hawaii, have lava that flows like warm honey down the slopes. Others, like Mount St. Helens in the USA, erupt explosively. This creates clouds of embers and ash rain.

Expedition and Adventure
With specially equipped vehicles, we explore the volcanoes. Volcanologists accompany us. They explain how to recognize when a volcano is on the verge of eruption.