Wimmelbuch_Tektonikarena Sardona (c) Isabelle Metzen

“search and find” book on the UNESCO World Heritage Site newly published

The new “search and find” book introduces the UNESCO World Heritage properties in Switzerland in a playful way using 13 richly illustrated pictures.

The illustrator Isabelle Metzen has focussed on the extraordinary universal values of each individual site in order to make the World Heritage tangible for even the youngest children. The 14-page paperback book encourages children to search and discover.

The latest work by World Heritage Experience Switzerland, which was produced in close cooperation with the individual World Heritage Sites, was presented at a celebratory opening.

The book is now available in shops, in the visitor centers of the World Heritage Sites or via the website www.ourheritage.ch.

Information about the book:

Title: UNESCO-Welterbe / Patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO / Patrimonio mondiale dell’UNESCO / UNESCO World Heritage

Illustrator: Isabelle Metzen

ISBN: 978-3-985851-44-7

Format: Paperback, untearable

Age recommendation: 2 to 6 years

Publisher: Adrian & Wimmelbuchverlag GmbH

Publication: 12.03.2024

Number of pages: 14

Size: H336mm x W258mm x D16mm

Subtitles: German, French, Italian, English


13. March 2024

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